
NRT’s Outage Probability Calculator (NRT-OPC)

NRT's Outage Probability Calculator (NRT-OPC) eliminates the complicated statistical confusion associated with interpreting PMD test results; reducing all the information to straightforward quantities understandable by engineers, technicians and managers.

June 27, 2016


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This powerful tool combines:

1.  Measurement results from PMDS in the form (DGD, 2nd-order PMD, Penalty)

2.  PMD dynamics corresponding to a mean fiber PMD, <τ>

3.  Allowable system PMD margin.


The OPC is calculated by applying our PMD random-walk model, for a fiber with PMD <τ>  to  the  PMDS-measured   transponder tolerance data.  Each time the

random walk enters the region beyond the  PMD margin an outage is started (red arrows).  The calculation simulates over 1,000,000 PMD steps (>100 years of  PMD dynamics) to calculate:

1.  Total Outage Probability (time/year)

2.  Mean number of PMD Outages/year

3.  PMD Outage Duration (statistics)

4.  Time between PMD Outages (statistics)


Key Applications & Benefits

– Simple, straightforward quantities for the performance degradation for any fiber <τ> .

– Quantitatively optimize PMD mitigation or EDC algorithm.

– Compare PMD tolerance of different modulation formats.

– Take the system data once, and use the NRT-OPC to calculate performance in any situation.

– Enables route engineering & span design for carriers.

– Enables system design by the equipment manufacturers by adjusting the allowable margins for each wavelength channel.